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Leave it all alone

I wish  I can be normal  Like sitting with someone Drinking tea With the whole world to see I wish I cannot cry and tears don't just come out The moment someone blames  me for doing all things right  I wish I can just see happy faces without endless chases just sitting right next door is the girl with keys to explore I wish I can draw on top of what's not working and rub the one's that pokes fun at me fixing everything that's broken mixing emotions to stalk the unspoken I wish I don't think about life and death  What's beyond our control  leave them the way it is I wish  I stop wanting to win so much I stop wanting to be kissed or a simple touch I stop wanting that people hold doors wide open for me I stop wanting a well carved future for me leave it all alone until my bone just melts to ashes *piccourtesy - pinterest


We Are Innocent , We Are Shrewd,
We Are Scared , We Are Rude,
We Are Brave , We Are Coward,
We Pamper , We Argue...
We Give Pain .....Very Often We Feel The Pain...
We Loose , Often We Gain.
We Smile , We Cry ,
We Frown , Very Often We Even behave like a Clown ....
We Love , Often We Hate ....
We Trust , We Doubt .....
We Fail , But We Often Revamp The Failure Into Success...
We Teach , We Follow....
We Steal , And Often We Borrow....
We Fight , We Overreact....
We Tackle , Very Often We Tumble...
We Support , We Shiver ...
We Defend , We Surrender...
We Push , But Very Often We Pull ....
We Force , We Regret..
We Apologize , We Threat...
We Are Shocked , But Very Often Surprised.
We Respect , We Irritate,
We Serve , We Ex foliate,
And This "We" , Always Tend To Depend Upon Each Other In The Funniest Yet Adventurous Relationship Prevailing on Earth Called "Marriage".

Its One Complete Year To Our Audacious Voyage.6 long years of a romantic inclination after which we both decided to spent our entire life loving each other
.....ahhhh... MARRIAGE !!!!....
But its just not love which comes to play , it is the amalgamation of all the expressions , thoughts , deeds some of which you are aware and some which comes totally new and shocking to you....but still you feel the closeness as each day passes by and you realize its only He/She Who Can Be With You Over A Decade And Still Never Complain How Much You Snore .......That Is Marriage....With A Lot More Than Love My Friends...:):)

Here's A Small Token For All Those Who Are Travelling In This Valiant Voyage ..
Bon Voyage !!!!!

Walk With You

Hold my hands , i want to walk with you,
wherever you are headed to , take me with you.
I know the path is fatal, but i am not scared,
with you its always the break of dawn ,
As i hate the fear of you being gone.

Let us go , we can make it to the horizon,
As I wandered where is it .
But when we walked through this quivering sand ,
I feel we have reached beyond the horizon band.
The place Where souls meet without any magic wand.

I follow you , as i walk with you,
As i want to capture your footsteps .
These steps had lead me into a glorified phase of my life,
nurtured , bloomed and grew overlooking all the strife.
Being behind can make your fumbles unwind,
If ever you loose me , you can always look back and find.

(P.S. Its Specially For You Ma And Papa...Love You And Proud Of You..God Bless)


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