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Leave it all alone

I wish  I can be normal  Like sitting with someone Drinking tea With the whole world to see I wish I cannot cry and tears don't just come out The moment someone blames  me for doing all things right  I wish I can just see happy faces without endless chases just sitting right next door is the girl with keys to explore I wish I can draw on top of what's not working and rub the one's that pokes fun at me fixing everything that's broken mixing emotions to stalk the unspoken I wish I don't think about life and death  What's beyond our control  leave them the way it is I wish  I stop wanting to win so much I stop wanting to be kissed or a simple touch I stop wanting that people hold doors wide open for me I stop wanting a well carved future for me leave it all alone until my bone just melts to ashes *piccourtesy - pinterest

Growing Up

I wonder with the years passing by,
Will I ever be able to fly....

I see the sun the same way,
But the shine feels  fading away...

I feel the moon closer to my heart,
And the nights indulging deeper in thoughts.

I try to go back in time to taste the sweetness of lime,
to get to touch my childhood which was glorious and sublime..

I don't want to get worried for the most,
I want to skip growing up at any cost..

Well there is a way you can,
Don't have to fight with the whole clan..

You live up to what you have wanted,
And then think about what all you wished for was granted..

Looking at it this way isn't that bad,
People always find their reasons to be sad..

Life can never be rainbow clad,
Sometimes you need to get drenched in the rain still feeling glad..

For pain it coexists making you stronger to persist,
And Happiness is a myth underneath a shining sheath.


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