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The Little Things

*pic courtesy from pinterest  The little things the little smile the little flower in the corner aisle the little butterfly catches my eye along with  the hovering bee like sketches drawn in the sky look at the little ant fleet just close to my feet the little spider takes a warm seat the little girl who hops on the broken tile while her mother looks right across  the street from a mile I wave at her she waves back the little gestures the little fingers the little spider continues to linger the little heartbeats as humming treats while I pick up the little crumbs from my bread last night


Waiting on her window..
Everyday for a passing shadow.
Not turning towards her..
Still making an innocent stir.
As days go by..
Getting glued to the window…
That urges her to follow..
Despite the unchanging pathways..
that might eventually lead to her..
Kept making the distant spur.
Finally the shadow was gone..
And the curtains were drawn.
Those eyes did never look..
Cause that shadow had overlook.
While someone’s hair had flew on her way..
As she stood up to walk away.


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