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Not In Straight Line

*pic courtesy - painting taken from pinterest. I am telling you I am not perfect My bed is messed up all day long I have been said I am nothing but wrong My voice cracks open a tragic song My closet has clothes that don't fit me There are times when even my dog doesn't sit with me I am telling you Life is not supposed to be.. What you want to see.. I have been thrown out, shouted at, made fun of,  everytime I want to change and be free.. I have been called arrogant, stupid, mad, with ideas that shatter... I discovered things that no one in the room thought but only if it could matter.. I am telling you That people aren't perfect and nor they will ever be... If you wait for them to align You will be the one being struck out of line Don't think every criticism is fine Some are horrific with absurd design So what if I am not perfect I can tell that imperfection is abstract Breaking the rules is not nodding to solicitations I have tried, failed, then tried back ...

The Painted Flowers

Everyone was quiet...
One was shattered.
No one earns it right.
Faith was scattered.
Words were over-polite..
One had scars.
It started to pour in slight.
Eyes had drops tonight.
White came down..
Flowers for the crown.
Gathered every courage..
To meet the verbiage.
Hearts swelled with each other.
But never got further.
They would rather die..
Than lying to each other.
Though white in color…
They were always painted.
Though pure in valor.
They were portrayed as tainted.
Now the crowd doesn’t fight..
As one has lost her very right.
From her bag wide open..
She showers the painted flowers.
That gets washed off by rain..


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