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Not In Straight Line

*pic courtesy - painting taken from pinterest. I am telling you I am not perfect My bed is messed up all day long I have been said I am nothing but wrong My voice cracks open a tragic song My closet has clothes that don't fit me There are times when even my dog doesn't sit with me I am telling you Life is not supposed to be.. What you want to see.. I have been thrown out, shouted at, made fun of,  everytime I want to change and be free.. I have been called arrogant, stupid, mad, with ideas that shatter... I discovered things that no one in the room thought but only if it could matter.. I am telling you That people aren't perfect and nor they will ever be... If you wait for them to align You will be the one being struck out of line Don't think every criticism is fine Some are horrific with absurd design So what if I am not perfect I can tell that imperfection is abstract Breaking the rules is not nodding to solicitations I have tried, failed, then tried back ...

Don't Worry, I am Fine

Don't worry
I am fine
Yes it hurts
but yet I sit and dine
Yes sometimes 
tears come out of
but it gets too heavy to share
Yes I see
a lot of memories
gushing through
ripping my gut
yet I sit and stare
Don't worry
I will be fine
don't ask questions 
that make me hurt even more
not sure how we measure
humanity score
people started talking
about politics and tour
while I was still
fresh out of cold shower
that just pour underneath 
Don't worry
get in line
this time the turn
is mine
the aftermath isn't 
quite over
there is a path of
loneliness to endeavor
My eyes 
still searching
my head 
still itching
about the loss
that has no cover
Don't worry
this too shall pass
then I will be
all chirpy pointless
smiling lass
because sadness
is left alone
while people
choose dancing
awkwardly in 
a wedding zone
I was told
the life that remains
needs to be celebrated
but what about
the life that 
just got cremated
ashes don't just melt
in thin air
it needs to be felt
hypothetically smeared to be fair
Don't worry 
I am fine
What's unfair
is human by design
undermining numbnesss
outcasting kindness
What's unfair
is the dark thoughts
that clots to dare
to ruin someone
and sheepishly smile
Don't worry
I will be fine
yes it will hurt
as I stay 
as I look around
as with death
the only reality is
you will never find
what's lost 
you will always mind
that's missing
being bitter 
than the most


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